Digit@LL - Cheshire and Merseyside Digital StrategyDigit@LL - Cheshire and Merseyside Digital Strategy

Digit@LL is Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership’s Digital Strategy and Roadmap for the next five years.

In common with other parts of the country, our NHS and social care services face considerable challenges and demands. Our population is getting older, and many more people are living with a number of physical and mental health conditions. Our care services are increasingly under pressure and not always set-up to deal with the changing nature of how care needs to be delivered. We have challenges around joining up information for children receiving our services, ensuring that an individuals’ journey through complex health and care throughout their whole life course is unified. And all this comes at a time when budgets are under pressure.

The Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership is facing these challenges head on. There are many examples of great work underway across our geography. And Digit@LL is the latest example of how we are pooling our expertise and our ‘can do’ attitude to continue to deliver high quality care for all. Cheshire and Merseyside is already one of the best places in the country for the way we are harnessing technology to improve patient care. But we want to go even further.

For our frail and elderly, digital will have a critical role in supporting  diverse teams of professionals to treat more patients in or closer to home, and supporting more patients to self-care. And for the wider population, used to booking anything from holidays to hair appointments online, we want to meet their expectations of health and care services that keep pace with modern life, providing more support and care on demand and online to fit in with their increasingly busy lives.

Finally, by reducing variation and making sure all our places are making the best use of digital technology in the day to day care they deliver, we can reduce costs, improve standards and deliver the best possible care.

Read Digit@LL - Cheshire and Merseyside Digital Strategy

Read a summary information leaflet about Digit@LL - Cheshire and Merseyside Digital Strategy